Thursday, November 29, 2012

港鐵應帶頭提供優惠壓抑加風, MTR should take the lead in giving special offers to combat inflation   [2011-03-18]    
 ■港鐵去年錄得120億元盈利,按年升25.1%。行政總裁周松崗(右二)稱,現時難以預計會否加價。 資料圖片
 港鐵月初公布去年全年業績,錄得120億元盈利,按年升25.1%。行政總裁周松崗表示,公司 將於6月根據可加可減調整機制調整票價,現時難以預計會否加價,或加幅有多少。港鐵作為本港公共交通的龍頭企業,享受政府給予的特殊優惠,佔據市場競爭優 勢。政府作為港鐵的大股東,應推動港鐵在穩賺豐厚盈利的情況下,承擔更大的社會責任,主動提供票價優惠讓利於民,不帶頭加價,以抑制交通工具的加風。
 根據港鐵票價的調整機制,以每年12月的通脹率及運輸服務業的工資指數按年變幅再減半釐定,倘運算 結果高於正負1.5%,即可啟動調整機制,而毋須政府或立法會審批。政府統計處公布去年12月通脹率達3.1%,即使不計及工資因素,已超出1.5%的票 價啟動基線。但另一方面,正因為目前通脹趨熱、百物騰貴,港鐵加價「牽一髮動全身」,勢必掀起公共交通的加價潮,這對基層市民的衝擊最大。
 港鐵既然享有政府賦予的特權,即使作為上市企業,亦不能淡化公用事業的角色,應該將盈利與公眾分 享,而非完全商業化,不顧民情民意,在坐擁厚利的情況下仍要加價逐利。相反,港鐵應該及時回饋社會,為市民提供各種票價優惠,對其他交通工具加價形成壓 力,避免進一步刺激通脹。

MTR should take the lead in giving special offers to combat inflation
Early this month, the MTR Corporation announced its annual results. In the past year, the corporation reported a profit of HK$12 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 25.1%. Chief Executive Officer Mr Chow Chung-kong said that the company would adjust its fares in June under the fare adjustment mechanism, and that it was difficult for the time being to predict whether there would actually be an increase in the fares or the rate of increase. MTR is a leader in the Hong Kong public transport sector; while enjoying special privileges granted by the government, it has a competitive edge in the market. Now that the company maintains a huge steady profit, the government, as a major shareholder, should urge MTR to undertake greater social responsibilities by taking the initiative to give fare offers to benefit citizens and taking the lead in refraining from raising fares in order to combat inflation in the public transport sector.
Under the fare adjustment mechanism of MTR, the adjustment rate is calculated on the basis of the year-on-year changes of the rate of inflation and the transport services wage index of December of the preceding year. If the rate exceeds the range of +1.5% after deducting 0.05%, the company may activate the adjustment mechanism without having to seek the approval of the government or the Legislative Council. According to the Census and Statistics Department, the rate of inflation recorded in December last year was 3.1%. Even without taking the wage factor into account, this figure has already exceeded the 1.5% baseline for activating the mechanism. However, it has to be noted that as currently the inflationary pressure is mounting and prices are soaring, any increase in MTR fares will have a far-reaching effect and will certainly trigger a trend of fare rises in the public transport services. The grassroots will be the hardest hit.
MTR enjoys privileges granted by the government. Even though it is a listed company, its role as a public utility will not diminish. The company ought to share the benefits of its huge profit with the public and should not regard itself as purely a commercial enterprise. At a time when the company is earning huge profits, it should not go on seeking greater gains by means of fare increases without considering the feelings and opinions of the general public. Instead, the company should timely contribute to society by giving various fare offers to the public, which will pressurize other modes of transport into not raising their fares, and help to avoid further pushing up the inflation.  ■Translation by 開明

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